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2016. 3. 11. 03:29

 Getting Ready

A: John's father is very tall.

B: Yes, but his brother is taller than his father.


A: Which does she like better, english or math ?

B: She likes English better because her math is poor.


A: If you get up early, you will not miss the train.

B: Okay, I'll get up early.


A: May I go on a picnic with my friends today ?

B: No, you may not. It may rain today.


A: Is there any other size ? This shirt is too small.

B: Sure. Hear is a bigger one.


A: The weather gets warmer every day.

B: Yes, and the days get longer and the nights get shorter.


PART I. This Are Changing, Aren't They ?

What does a child know about his parents ? Does Ye-jin know everything about her father and mother ? Mr. Ford is going to find out.


Mr. Ford: Ye-jin, how old are your parents ?

Ye-jin: My father is 48 and my mother is 45.

Mr. Ford: So, your father is three years older than your mother. Now, who's taller, you or your mother ?

Ye-jin: I'm taller than my mother by two centimeters.

Mr. Ford: Oh, so, she's shorter than you. Who speaks English better, you or your father ?

Ye-jin: My father's English is better than mine. He meets Americans very often for business.

Mr. Ford: Now, may I ask you a funny question ?

Ye-jin: Yes, you may. What is it ?

Mr. Ford: If you want some money, will you go to your  father or your mother ?

Ye-jin: I don't care. I'm their child and they are my parents. Mine is theirs and theirs is mine. Father's is mother's and mother's is father's, too.



Things in the world are always changing. Things do not stay the same. Some things change fast. Other things change slowly. The weather is a good example of change. Today's weather is different from yesterday's weather. How is the weather today ? Is it clear or cloudy ? It is clearer today than yesterday.

Is it warmer today than yesterday ? Or is it colder ? Which do you like better, a warm day or a cold day ?

People like changes. If it rains a lot, people want clear weather. If they have many dry days, people want rain. Thins change with the seasons, too. In the spring, the days grow warmer. The trees and grass become greener. Some trees have flowers. The world is more beautiful and many people are happy. Are you happy in the spring ? How do things change in the autumn ? In the autumn, things go the other way. The weather grows cooler. The trees lose their leaves. The days become shorter.


Like the weather people change, too. How are you changing ? You are taller and stronger than you were last year. Is your brother or sister growing taller and stronger, too ? Yes, they are. Who is taller now, you or your mother ? Some of you may already be taller than your mother.


How are you changing as middle school students ? Are you wiser than you were last year ? You are becoming wiser every day. So things are always changing, aren't they ? In fact, things cannot stay the sme.



Q. What is a good example of change ?

A. the weather is a good example of change.


Q. Was yesterday's weather different from today's weather ?

A. Yes, It was. It did not stay the same.


Q. What will people like if they have many dry spring ?

A. They will like wet weather.


Q. How do trees and grass change in the spring ?

A. They all become greener.


Q. How do things change in the autumn ?

A. The days grow cooler and become shorter.


Q. How are you changing ?

A. I am becoming wiser every day.






'영어 교과서(중2)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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LESSON 1. I'm in the Second Grade  (0) 2016.03.08